Applying For Financial Aid


The Application Process

Important Dates

Attendance Dates FAFSA Year FAFSA Submission Period Tax Year

Fall 2023

Spring 2024

Summer 2024


2023 - 2024

October 1, 2022


June 30, 2024




Fall 2024

Spring 2025

Summer 2025


2024 - 2025

December 2023


June 30, 2025




Where Do I Start?

免费申请联邦学生援助,简称FAFSA,是该计划的第一步 financial aid process. Use it to apply for federal student financial aid such as the Pell Grant, student loans, and college work-study. In addition, most states and schools use FAFSA information to award state or institution-level financial aid. 


如果你要上bet9备用登录地址,你需要把我们学校的代码写在 the FAFSA application. 
Collin's school code is: 016792


Click here to go the Department of Education's FAFSA web site. 

What Next?

The Dept. of Education enters your FAFSA responses into a formula (known as the Federal Methodology), which is regulated by the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The result is your Expected Family Contribution, or EFC. The EFC is a measures of 你家庭的经济实力,用来决定你可能获得的援助类型 be eligible for. 


Your EFC will be subtracted from the Cost of Attendance at the school(s) you plan to attend to determine your exact eligibility for federal student aid. 


To read more about the Cost of Attendance (COA), click here.

How Do I Find Out My EFC?

FAFSA会给你发一份报告(或报告的链接),叫做学生援助报告 (SAR)通过电子邮件或邮政信件,这取决于他们存档的地址 you. The SAR lists the information you reported on your FAFSA.  In the upper right of the front page of the SAR, you'll find a figure called the EFC.


同时,FAFSA会将您的信息发送到您输入的学校代码 on the application.

Is That It?

Not usually.  Once the school receives your FAFSA data, there may be additional forms 要填写,需要澄清你的一个或多个答案,或税务文件 to collect.  (These are just a few examples of additional processes they could be flagged by FAFSA or by the institution based on federal requirements.)


你也会通过FAFSA上的电子邮件收到任何要求的通知 as being posted in the financial aid section of your Cougar Web account.
IMPORTANT  NOTE虽然学生在他们的FAFSA上填写多个学校代码是很常见的 尽早申请时(因为他们可能不知道自己会选择哪所学校) attend) please submit follow-up paperwork to just one school.   Students CANNOT RECEIVE FINANCIAL AID FROM MORE THAN ONE SCHOOL AT A TIME, and so therefore can cause all sorts of issues by having more than one school processing them for aid, including owing back ALL monies disbursed. 


This includes situations where you are actually attending two schools at the same time.  You must choose one school  to receive aid from, and then follow up with them only.

How Much Aid Will I Receive?

学校使用你的EFC来准备经济援助计划(助学金、贷款和/或勤工俭学) to help you meet your financial need. Financial need is the difference between your EFC and your school's cost of attendance (which can include living expenses).


Specific amounts and types of aid depend on a wide variety of elements in addition to the need calculation.   


例如,许多类型的助学金只支付确切的学时数 you are attending.  Usually, the more credit hours (up to full time), the more money you receive. Also, some grants will pay out  something for as little as 1, 2 or even 3 hours (depending on your EFC and the grant).  


Stafford loans, however, are a little different.  Students must be attending at least half time hours as determined by their school in order to receive the loan money.  Students who do not attend at least half time or drop below half time during the semester could forfeit all or some of their student loan money.


In some cases, if you meet the college's priority deadline for financial aid, you may qualify for additional state grant monies.  This also depends on other eligibility factors such as your EFC and academic standing.  (Note: "meeting the priority deadline" 定义为学校有一个正确和准确的FAFSA和所有其他要求 paperwork by the specified date.)

Note: Collin College uses the State of Texas' priority deadline of January 15th.


Finally, the federal government puts limits on the annual amount of funds that can 在某些情况下,如与学生贷款一起发放,对终身贷款有限制 amounts and grade-level amounts that can be disbursed.  This means that if you have reached your limit for that year, you will not receive any additional aid in that category until the following academic year.

What If I'm Taking Developmental Classes?

The answer to this question depends on a couple of different factors.


教育部表示,只要学生被录取,就有资格 在大学的项目中,学生可以参加辅导班,仍然有资格 for their financial aid; even if the student is taking all remedial classes before taking any regular courses.


The caveats to this statement are as follows:


  • The student MUST be admitted into an eligible program.  This means that if the student 只参加补救计划,他们将不被考虑在一个合格 program. This typically happens when a college makes acceptance into an eligible program contingent on completion of the remedial course work.

  • Students are eligible for up to one academic year's worth of remedial coursework.  也就是说,学生最多可以修30个学期的补习课程 and still be eligible for financial aid. A student is NO LONGER eligible for financial aid for any remedial coursework taken above the 30 hour limit.

  • 与其他补习课程类似,学生可以获得FSA资助ESL课程 that are a part of a larger eligible program. ESL courses do NOT count against the one year limitation on remedial coursework mentioned above.

How Do I Get Books and Supplies?

如果你已经获得资助并接受了它(如果适用),以及所有的财务 助学金要求完成(如贷款MPN和入学咨询),学生 会收到一封电子邮件,表明他们有钱可以在书店花. 一旦学生收到邮件,他们就可以去任何一个校园的书店 and "charge" books and supplies against their financial aid. 


However, in order to do so, students must first meet certain criteria:


  • 学生必须首先登录他们的CougarWeb并同意使用他们的经济援助 为此目的,允许营业厅从购货金额中扣除 their financial aid award (i.e. post a charge on the student's account), and

  • 学生的收费不能超过学费后账户上的剩余余额 and fees have been deducted from their financial aid award, and

  • Students can only charge during the allotted time frame for bookstore charges. Please see the Financial Aid Calendar located here for exact dates.

    For students who do NOT want to charge against their aid, they can opt out of the program by choosing decline to this question in CougarWeb.


Note:在书店收费期限结束前未获得奖励的学生,将被扣除 have to purchase books and supplies using their own resources.  

When Do I Receive the Aid?

Again, this depends on a variety of factors.


  • 如果你赶上了学院的优先截止日期,你就保证有一个估计的* 在该学期的付款截止日期之前,经济援助奖将会发到你的账户上.  (However, this does not mean you are eligible for the types and/or amounts of aid you wish to receive.)  If you are one of these students, this estimated aid may post 在付款截止日期前几周,将首先用于支付学费、杂费、书费 store charges, etc.


  • 此估计奖励将在人口普查日期调整为您的实际奖励 school and is based on your actual enrollment and attendance at that time.  The census date at Collin is the 12th class day in fall and spring, and the 7th class day in summer.  A "snapshot" of all students' enrollment is taken at the close of business on that date and that is the official enrollment on which your aid is based. Because 学校必须等到人口普查之日才能调整学生资助,不能退款 disbursed prior to this date.
    To read more about the college's CENSUS DATE, click here.


根据以上信息,第一轮退款支票(或直接存款) mails out according to the refund schedule on the financial aid calendar here.


For information on when your money will disburse if you're in mini-sessions (i.e., express classes), please see the next section below.

What If I'm in Mini-sessions or Express Classes?

For students who are enrolled in mini-sessions, also called express classes, your financial aid money WILL NOT DISBURSE until ten days after the class has started.  This is generally applicable regardless of the type of aid you are receiving.


  • For example如果学生在学期初注册了12学时或4节课, 但只有三门课在学期初和期末开始 beginning two months later, the student would only receive his financial aid grant for the 3 classes when the first disbursements are sent out. The money for the last class would disburse on the first disbursement date AFTER the census date of that class.

  • Using the same example above,如果学生正在接受学生贷款资金,第一笔款项将会支付 准时出去,因为学生只需要注册一半时间就可以收到 student loan funds.  So in this case, the late starting class would not effect the student loan funds.

  • Let's look at one more example:如果学生只注册了2节课,或6个小时,其中一节课开始了 在学期初,但另一门课直到一个月后才开始 半年后,学生收到的是助学贷款资金,第一次发放 would NOT go out until after that second class began.  This is because the student would not be half time until that mini-session began.

Caveat:适用于在人口普查日期之前获得奖励并正在领取的学生 他们必须在人口普查的所有迷你课程中登记 DATE to be eligible for that award. 


学生接受学生贷款和其他类型的援助(助学金除外), can enroll in mini-sessions at any point in the semester. In these cases, the student 需要通知财政援助办公室,以便我们能够确保及时支付 of their student loan or other funds.

What If I File My FAFSA Really Late?



  • 由于财政援助办公室按照收到文件的顺序处理文件**, if you filed late (but not, say, 1 month or less before classes begin), but still 在这个日期之前提交你的文件,你就有机会获得资助 prior to payment deadline (although this cannot be guaranteed.) If that is the case, the information in the section above will most likely apply to you.

  • If your aid has not posted to your account prior to payment deadline, you will be responsible for paying your balance before or at that time.  However, we will continue 按顺序处理你的文件,如果你的助学金在人口普查日期前寄出,你的退款将会 可能会在第一次检查运行时,如上述部分所述,尽管 loans may take longer due to additional processing requirements.

Additional Notes

*我们使用“预估经济援助奖”一词,因为学生是最初获得资助的 aid based on full-time enrollment.  Because aid is adjusted on census date to the 实际入学/出勤率,奖励可能比最初的奖励多或少.    


**文件被分配用于处理的日期是基于文件最后一部分的日期 information or last form was submitted.  A file is not considered ready to process until all required information has been submitted.  For this reason, it is very important that students check their Cougar Web and/or email frequently and submit any required forms or information as soon as possible.


For specific questions, please feel free to contact us at 

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