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Guidelines and Procedures


For the convenience of library users, the text of the Operational Guidelines and Procedures (OGP)以印刷品和图书馆网站提供. Where discrepancies exist, OGP的印刷版是权威的. bet9备用登录地址OGP的问题应该是 发给用户所在校园图书馆的执行主任. The OGP is subject to changes.

Mission Statement 




Student Use of Library 

Faculty and Staff Use of Library 

Community Use of Library 





bet9备用登录地址的图书馆是学习环境不可分割的一部分. The mission of the library is to support teaching and learning by providing the excellent 我们社区所需的人员、bet9娱乐备用地址、指导和信息服务 users.

  • Service: Provide the highest quality information services to all Collin College populations.
  • Resources: 图书馆将维护并提供所需的资料 学院的教学计划. bet9娱乐备用地址选择具有显著性 faculty input.
  • Instruction: Design and provide instruction to help users become effective independent learners and researchers.
  • Access: Provide equitable access to staff, resources, services and facilities for all Collin College populations.
  • Technology: 为学生和教师提供创新和新兴技术.
  • Staff: Attract and retain staff who are knowledgeable, motivated, adaptable, service-oriented and effective.
  • Management: Provide an open, collegial, well-organized, flexible and responsive library, adaptive 适应社区不断变化的需求.







Collection Development Policy


The library will select, maintain and make available collections of materials to support 学院的教学计划. 材料的选择要符合学术性 bet9备用登录地址的教职员工和学生的需求. Library resources 是由专业图书管理员选择的,并有重要的教职员工参与. Materials 是否选择反映各种观点.


The libraries’ collections exist to make scholarly materials available on an equitable and cost effective basis to Collin’s entire faculty, staff, and student population. 图书馆的职责不是收藏不能被所有科林人使用的材料 faculty, staff, and students. bet9娱乐备用地址,这些bet9娱乐备用地址只能被一部分人使用 学院学生被安置在系教室和实验室里.



  • 图书馆自有非流通资料
  • 图书馆自有流通资料
  • 图书馆授权的电子资料
  • Reserve materials - Faculty selected, owned by a faculty member or the library and 供一个学期在图书馆内使用


Materials that 不属于上面列出的类别 may be housed in and circulated 只有事先与图书馆馆长安排,才能从图书馆借出. The library director will determine whether the library can successfully manage materials that 不属于上面列出的类别. 如果图书馆接受这些资料, the library director and the responsible faculty or staff member will create a document outlining ownership of the materials, length of retention at the library, provisions for servicing and repairing materials or equipment, library marking of the materials, 并在保留期结束时归还或处置材料.


Identical materials may be held by more than one Collin College library to meet instructional needs. 多份副本也可以由一个bet9备用登录地址图书馆保存 same reason.







Donation of Physical Items
Gifts of materials will be accepted by the Library within the following guidelines:

  • Materials obtained as gifts must meet the same standards as those stated in the Library 馆藏发展政策将包括在图书馆馆藏中.
  • 礼品成为bet9备用登录地址图书馆的财产. The Library staff reserves 有权从任何捐赠中只添加选定的项目. Materials may be added or 未咨询原捐赠人就丢弃.
  • Since the libraries are actively used, and sustain losses through theft, mutilation and wear, no guarantee can be made that any gift will be a permanent part of the collection.
  • Upon request, a receipt in the form of a letter acknowledging the donation will be sent to the donor. 此函可由捐赠人用作税务用途. Donations are not given a value.


Monetary Gifts

  • 希望捐款的捐献人需要与基金会办公室合作.





Computer and Internet Use


Library computers are to be used primarily for college-related projects by Collin 大学生、教职员工.  优先考虑与课程相关的使用,以及 赞助人可能会被要求对其他有学术需求的人让步. The use of these resources 禁止用于商业活动.


互联网bet9娱乐备用地址和软件应用程序仅可用于合法目的. Violation of local, state or federal laws, such as those regarding pornography, copyright, theft, vandalism, violation of personal privacy, and unauthorized access to computing bet9娱乐备用地址,可能导致逮捕和/或起诉.


所有用户同意避免产生恐吓、敌意或恶意的行为 令人反感的工作或学习环境. 所有用户同意遵守本网站的政策 Collin College Board of Trustees regarding sexual, racial, and other forms of harassment, 以及bet9备用登录地址学生、教职员工的行为标准 specified in the Collin College Student Handbook and, for faculty and employees, by 科林大学校董会的政策. Violation of Collin Board policies 可能会受到学校规定的处罚.


Individuals who do not follow these standards of behavior may be denied the use of 图书馆计算机和网络bet9娱乐备用地址. 违反这些标准的人也可能是 根据学校规定和当地、州或联邦的规定进行处罚 laws. bet9备用登录地址保留随时修改此政策的权利.


Computer Access

  • Computers are to be accessed by students, faculty or staff by using their own Logon ID and password. 任何被发现使用非自己意愿的登录ID的人 向学生教务处报告,并可能面临纪律处分.
  • A Collin College Student or Faculty/Staff ID must be presented when requested by library staff.
  • 可能会施加限制以应对工作站需求的增加.
  • Adding, deleting, or altering computer hardware/software or settings is prohibited.






  • The library will disclose patron information only with the consent of the involved 或为了遵守司法命令或合法发出的传票.
  • The library adheres to all Collin College policies which concern the privacy and confidentiality of records.





Theft and Destruction of Materials


Library staff monitor patron actions regarding theft, vandalism, and the misuse of or damage to library collections, equipment, materials, or other property belonging ,包括软件和数据. 图书馆馆长或推荐人 当值图书管理员在有需要时应召集校警. Under some circumstances the library may notify law enforcement authorities or otherwise initiate disciplinary proceedings against patrons.




Food and Drink


除指定地点外,不准在图书馆内进食及饮用饮品 areas.






Behavior incompatible with the mission of the Collin College libraries is not permitted. Prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to, excessive noise, intimidation, abuse, or other disruptive actions. 图书馆馆长或参考馆员 on duty will resolve perceived disruptive situations in the library and summon Campus Police when needed. 动物,美国人定义的服务性动物除外 根据《bet9娱乐备用地址》,不允许进入图书馆.




Copyright & Fair Use


Copyright Law (title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, 除非符合"合理使用"原则.“除非这些原则允许, Individuals should not copy or distribute either print or electronic materials without 版权所有者的明确许可.

  • Copying not specifically allowed by the law, fair use, license agreement, or the permission 版权所有人是禁止的.
  • It is the responsibility of the faculty to acquire copyright permission when required.
  • Faculty and students are personally responsible for copyright compliance and personally 承担侵权的后果.
  • Library personnel adhere to college policy and to federal laws relating to the fair 使用和复制受版权保护的材料.
  • Further information concerning copyright issues is available from the Library directors.







The libraries of Collin College adhere to the Library Bill of Rights and the Intellectual 美国图书馆协会出版的自由声明. Copies of these documents 都可以在参考咨询处找到吗.






As a department within an institution that values intellectual inquiry, Collin College libraries do not remove materials from the collection for reasons related to content. However, patrons with concerns about library materials are invited to discuss their concerns informally with the library director and/or to request an official review. To request an official review, patrons may use a “Request for Reconsideration of Materials” 表格,可在谘询处索取.





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