Title IX Training Materials

Safe Exit



参与第九章投诉解决的bet9备用登录地址员工培训 Process
At a minimum, all Collin College employees involved in the Title IX 投诉解决流程将接受有关禁止问题的年度培训 行为以及如何进行调查以保护受害者的安全和 promotes accountability. This annual training includes, but is not limited to, information on the following topics:

1. 适用的法律、法规和联邦监管指南,包括更新 to and new local, state, and federal regulations;
2. bet9备用登录地址的平等机会,公民权利和性骚扰的范围 policies;
3. 约会暴力,家庭暴力,性别骚扰的定义, 报复、性别歧视、性侵犯、性骚扰和跟踪;
4. bet9备用登录地址和德克萨斯州对性行为同意的定义;
5. 公平、公正地对待投诉人和被投诉人,同时坚持 their due process rights;
6. Recognizing and preventing implicit bias;
7. Avoiding actual and perceived conflicts of interest;
8. Impartiality and objectivity;
9. Disparate treatment and its impact;
10. Reporting, confidentiality, and privacy requirements;
11. 在保密的同时提供适当的宣传和临时措施;

12. Basic procedural rules for conducting an investigation;

13. Relevant evidence and how it should be used during an investigation;
14. Proper techniques for questioning complainants, respondents, and witnesses;

15. 进行彻底、可靠、公正和了解创伤的调查, 保护投诉人安全的听证会和非正式解决程序 and respondents while promoting accountability;
16. 确定问题的相关性,权衡证据,评估可信度;
17. 创建一个非正式的解决协议,它是非惩罚性的,并包含可接受的 terms for both the complainant and respondent;
18. Creating an investigation report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence;
19. 在第九条正式决议的现场听证阶段使用技术 Process;
20. 呈现发现并产生清晰、简洁和基于证据的基本原理;
21. Determining appropriate disciplinary sanctions to be imposed on respondents;
22. Implementing appropriate and situation-specific remedies for complainants; and
23. Conducting appeals.



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Title IX Solutions

These materials are the exclusive property of Title IX Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved, ©2022. The publishing of these materials on this website is authorized by Title IX Solutions, LLC仅供本机构根据法规使用 34 CFR §106.45(b)(10)(i)(D). No other use or dissemination by this institution or 任何第三方未经第九条解决方案事先书面同意而获得授权, LLC.


在这个项目中提供的信息和材料是为了教育目的 only and not intended to be legal advice. Attendees should seek independent legal advice concerning the issues presented.